Thursday, July 3, 2008

1/128 Proofs to Date

Alright, like I said in my last blog post, I'm going to start posting all of my proof that I have actually won the 1/128 items, this will make it more believable than if I simply say I have acquired the items.

Im going to start by showing all the proofs up to date, and then each time I acquire a new one, include it in the post for that GPP.

Here they are:

And thats every proof up to this date. When I get more, I will update them inside the GPP posts, rather than creating an individual post each time. That way I will have a quicker time updating my blog. Alright guys, Later!

July 3 - Department Store (Continued)

I finally got the two 1/128 items today so I did get the chance to finish the GPP and because its a thursday, no new GPP was started. :)

It did take a while, but anyway, here is the challenge list from this GPP:
  • No Bottle Rockets or Bombs against the Store Spook. - Complete
  • Fight three of each enemy in the department store. - Complete
  • Only use alpha PSI. - Complete (No PSI)
  • Store away your Franklin Badge before Paula gets kidnapped, but hang onto the Pencil Eraser. - Incomplete (I completely forgot to do this as I was too wrapped up in the 1/128 Challenges.
  • (1/128) - Mad Taxis drop Xterminator Sprays. Get one! - Complete
  • (1/128) - Musicas sometimes drop Sudden Guts Pills. Win one! - Complete
The challenges were actually very easy for this GPP with the exception that there were two 1/128 challenges to complete.

I think I'm gonna start a new post with all of the proofs from my 1/128 items that I won since I have now finished this GPP. I guess thats all for this update.....Later.